It took me longer than initially planned to get this website up and running again. I will continue to update and adjust the site, but I appreciate you taking your time to be here. While you're here, I'd like to give you an update. I'm currently focusing on an ongoing photography project based out of my home parish of St. Bernard, Louisiana. The projected is intended to be a fusion of documentary, landscape, and conceptual photography. It'll even include some art styles and techniques I've never really used before. I'm excited about the project, and I'm hoping to eventually publish it in book form. The tentative name of that project is "Did He Make It to The Marsh?" and is an ode to one of the last conversations I remember having with my father.
I'm also working steadily on a few other projects, one of which is a series of black and white images captured during my daily life and travels, the name of which is currently "Gather What Remains".
As a lens-based artist (the usage of that label is the topic of another blog) who is constantly trying new ideas and techniques, I also have some projects going on that are completely conceptual and surreal, in the vein of the "Recurring Dreams" gallery on this website.
Lastly (for now), I have a completed infrared project entitled "Dreamscape and Disaster" that I'm still working on getting published. There are more scattered projects and ideas, and I'll probably get distracted by them at some point and abandon current projects for a bit to work on them. Such is the nature of creative work. My hope is that by putting it in writing here, I will hold myself to the tasks ahead. I will continue to try new things in my photos, as I never want to be known as a one-note artist. I don't ever want to be considered an "infrared photographer" or a "film photographer" or a "conceptual photographer" or a "landscape photographer" or a "portrait photographer" or a "documentary photographer". I simply want to be an artist.
Thanks again for being here, and if you have any questions or just want to chat about art and photography, drop me a line in the contact section of the website.